I am am an Ex Londoner in the other Carterton here in New Zealand, only had the opportunity to meet with Joan once, back on a visit home to London in 2004, but had been in touch with Maurice previously. Was sorry to receive news that Joan had died the other day, may she rest in peace. I met up with both Joan and Maurice in Carterton. Oxon, in 2004 when it was the ceremony for the unveiling of the Blue Plaque for William Carter their Founder, not related to Charles Rooking Carter the ex Kendal resident whom my Carterton is named. The Catt family where I am today are related to the family in Carterton UK... so both Carterton have a Catt family or two... they originated from Sussex. Maurice informed me that Joan had died, he will miss his partner so my thoughts are with him at this time and family... RIP Joan. Adele Pentony-Graham.